Waikiki Toastmasters

Information for New Members


Waikiki Toastmasters Club is currently looking for new members to join. New members, their ideas and speeches make the Toastmasters meetings more enjoyable and worthwhile for all members.


  1. Club members will help you improve your speaking, listening, thinking and leadership skills.
  2. You might discover hidden abilities and awaken latent talents.
  3. You will expand your vision of the role of communication.
  4. You will increase your self-esteem.
  5. You will increase your value on the job market.
  6. You will become a part of a group of mutually supportive people and create new friendship.


Toastmasters members come from all walks of life – they might know each other form their workplace, civic and social groups, or neighborhoods, Many bring their friends and relatives, anyone who is interested in personal growth.

Is English your second language? No worries, Waikiki Club is a diverse and supportive club with several members who were born outside the US.


  1. Price: At $180 per year, the Toastmasters program is extremely cost-effective.*
  2. Time: Waikiki Toastmasters meet for 75 minutes every week. You will appreciate the relatively minimal time commitment. You can choose how fast you will be advancing in your selected educational program.
  3. Convenience: We are conveniently located behind Kaimuki Middle School, an ideal location for members living in Kaimuki, Kahala, Waialae, Wilhelmina Rise, Moilili, Waikiki, or Hawaii Kai. The parking is plentiful and free.
  4. Quality: Millions of people have benefited from Toastmasters since the organization was founded in 1924. The educational materials are continually updated to provide the best learning experience.
  5. Fun: Club meetings are non-intimidating, with a friendly and fun atmosphere. Waikiki Toastmasters proudly labels itself as the most supportive and laid back club in Hawaii.

*Membership Dues of $90 are collected twice a year in September and March.
New members pay the New Member Fee of $20 plus current prorated and one consecutive term.


Let us know about your interest and come as a guest to our next meeting. You are welcome to participate multiple times. Your visit is free and doesn’t create any obligations.

Ready to make your commitment official? Let us know. At the meeting, we'll provide a link to the Membership Application and online payment.

New members pay between $125.00 and $200 depending on the month when the membership starts:
• The new member fee $20
• Current membership term, prorated between $15.00 and $90
• One full membership term of 6 months $90

Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday
at 6:50 p.m.

4109 Kilauea Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816

Copyright © 1996 - 2025, Waikiki Toastmasters. All Rights Reserved.
The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters International’s members for Toastmasters business only.
It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information.